Well. I really just can't stop making - so here are a few things I've made recently before I go and get a big post together. Which I probably will. Eventually. But for now, I want a place to sort of catalogue a good/bad comparison. From the icons I've been making lately, it's a lot of hit or miss. I'm very happy with some, but others I don't
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ICONS~ Parks and Rec Stock Disney Misc. (Community, My Little Pony (older and Frienship is magic), Alan Wake, Castle, Sherlock, Bleach, Torchwood, Dollhouse, Katy Perry)
Ack! So many 20in20s left to do. XP You can see my rather ambitious plan for this month (plus a little past it) here. :3 I have six more sets of 20 to do by the end of tomorrow. D: I should have worked more earlier, but after the first few sets I got lazy. Also, I missed sign-ups for brunette20in20 - le sigh.